6.2.3. Nexspecto ID NFTs as Soulbound NFTs

In the next phases of the Nexspecto platform, soulbounds NFT will be integrated into the platform.

Soulbounds NFTs will be associated with user addresses in the spirit of these NFTs and cannot be transferred.

Platform users will have Soulbounds NFTs associated with their Nexspecto profile upon launch, and these NFTs will be an important component of the platform as ID proof.

Soulbounds NFTs will reflect different kinds of data on platform users and will be decisive for benefiting from platform-based incentives and profits.

For example, through Soulbounds NFTs, users will be scored according to measures such as active participation in the platform and fulfilling their obligations, and continuing their participation in savings groups until the relevant group ends.

Issues regarding how Soulbounds NFTs will be launched, how users will have these NFTs, what criteria these NFTs will be scored and what kind of incentives NFT owners will benefit from based on this score will be determined in the following phases and the Nexpecto community will be regularly updated through community channels.

Last updated